In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import math
import gitInformation
from import NeuralynxIO
import sklearn
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
import fastdtw
import time
In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
In [3]:
# Session folder with all needed neuralynx files
sessionfolder = 'C:\\Users\\Dominik\\Documents\\GitRep\\kt-2015-DSPHandsOn\\MedianFilter\\Python\\08. Tests'
In [4]:
NIO = NeuralynxIO(sessiondir = sessionfolder, cachedir = sessionfolder)
block = NIO.read_block()
seg = block.segments[0]
In [5]:
analogsignals = {}
# Save all recorded datas in a analogsignals dictionary.
for i in range(len(seg.analogsignalarrays)):
analogsignals["analogsignal{0}".format(i)] = seg.analogsignalarrays[i]
In [7]:
csc = {}
count = -1
# Extract the magnitude of each data.
for i in analogsignals:
csc["csc{0}".format(i[-1])] = analogsignals[i].magnitude
In [10]:
# Check if the Signal is already inverted, if not, invert it
for i in analogsignals:
temp = analogsignals[i]
if temp.annotations['InputInverted'] == 'False':
csc["csc{0}".format(i[-1])] = csc["csc{0}".format(i[-1])] * (-1)
In [11]:
filtered = {}
# Filter each data with a median filter with window length 25(seems to be the best)
for i in csc:
temp = csc[i]
filtered["filtered{0}".format(i[-1])] = medfilt(temp, 25)
In [12]:
new_data = {}
for i in filtered:
temp = filtered[i]
new_data["new_data{0}".format(i[-1])] = csc["csc{0}".format(i[-1])] - temp
In [13]:
threshold = {}
# Calculate the Threshold
for i in new_data:
temp = new_data[i]
threshold["threshold{0}".format(i[-1])] = 5*np.median(abs(temp)/0.6745)
In [24]:
plt.hlines(threshold["threshold0"], 0, len(new_data["new_data0"]), color = 'red')
plt.hlines(threshold["threshold1"], 0, len(new_data["new_data0"]), color = 'red')
plt.hlines(threshold["threshold2"], 0, len(new_data["new_data0"]), color = 'red')
plt.hlines(threshold["threshold3"], 0, len(new_data["new_data0"]), color = 'red')
In [132]:
def thresHold(new_data, threshold):
count = -1
count2 = 0
timer = 0
positionlist = []
# Dictionary with all thresholded shapes
thresholds = {}
for v in new_data:
temp = new_data[v]
for element in temp:
# Increment the counter (counter = position in the array)
count += 1
# Check if the threshold is reached, and check if the window is inside the array
if element >= threshold["threshold{0}".format(v[-1])] and (count - 10) >= 0 and (count + 14) <= len(temp):
# Save a window with 24 samples
tempdata = [w for w in temp[count -10 : count + 14]]
# Save the position of the window in the original array
tempsavedcounter = np.linspace(count-10, count + 14, 25)
# Calculate the maximum value of the window
maximum = max(tempdata)
# Get the position of the maximum value inside the window
maxposition = [p for p, q in enumerate(tempdata) if q == maximum]
# Store the position (Note that the position here is the position in the original data)
position = tempsavedcounter[maxposition[0]]
tempdata = [w for w in temp[position -10 : position + 14]]
# Search in the other recorded data at the same position for spikes, check if the maximum
# in any other window is bigger, if True, replace the old shape with the new one
# We will get always the spike with the maximum amplitude
for i in new_data:
if i[-1] != v[-1]:
tempdata2 = new_data[i]
tempdata2 = tempdata2[position -10 : position + 14]
if max(tempdata2) > max(tempdata):
tempdata = tempdata2
position = int(position)
# Check if we didn't find the spike allready
if timer == 0 and all([i not in positionlist for i in range(position - 6, position + 10)]):
# set the timer to 16, so 16 samples will be passed
timer = 16
# increment count2, for the array name
count2 += 1
# Store the shape in a dictionary
thresholds["spike{0}".format(count2)] = tempdata
elif timer > 0:
# Decrement the timer.
timer -= 1
count = -1
return thresholds
In [133]:
shapes = thresHold(new_data, threshold)
In [131]:
count = 0
for i in shapes:
count += 1
plt.plot(shapes[i], color = "black")
The threshold works correctly, we get 5 spikes out of the raw data and the spike with the max amplitude is always saved.